The tiger mosquito is beginning to appear north of the Alps


The tiger mosquito, which has been present in Canton Ticino since 2003, has crossed the Alps by means of transport. Since 2013 it is regularly found in the rest areas on the freeway, but since a few years it also appears in some urban areas in both Swiss German and Romandie. Below are some passages in the media covering the topic.

RTS (12.07.2020) – La chasse au moustique tigre est ouverte, les autorités mettent en place des brigades pour l’éradiquer

SRF (29.06.2020) – Basel kämpft gegen die aggressive Tigermücke

YouTube (16.06.2020) – Vers une invasion du moustique-tigre?

TA Zürich (24.07.2019) – Zürich kämpft gegen die Tigermücke

TA Zürich (04.11.2020) – Die Tigermücke ist in Zürich gebodigt

YouTube (10.06.2020) – Moustique tigre : comment éviter qu’il s’installe chez vous?